Circle of Ouroborus

Ok so a slurr rr
of posts will come with time.
But for now this.

Circle of...
well wait back track. Today's Record Store Day right.
So I went to two places cause i was tired and lazy.
Other Music and Hospital Prod.
Let's just say one was busier than the other...(I'll let you put together the pieces)
While I found a lot of great Record store exclusives that i'll post about later at Other music
My real find for the day was at Hospital.
Whenever i walk in, the guys there are usually playing some ridiculously heavy black metal music which is totally not my thing (save for a couple of greats...liturgy ahem) But this time.
This time, well I wouldn't know how to classify. I walk into cascading sounds echoing and distant. Faded not by time or by age but by heavens or likely hell. A voice that screams like a confused soul. Not as much angry, but stern and full of pain and depression. But not howls. And there i was asking Hospital, what is this? Circle of Ouroborous' Unituli, out on the Hospital imprint.
Honestly this is less of black metal album and more reminiscent of Leyland Kirby than anything I associate with the genre. Not to say it's not thundering. But it's beautiful and unlike anything I've ever heard.
It really is something I cannot classify and it has to be listened to. Fans of ambient that feel like they need more of a kick, this is it.
act quick on the pressings.

POSTED BY Plastic Human


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